Colette Goga, owner
Hi, I’m Colette. Although I was born and raised in the midwest, I’ve been a part of the Yosemite Mountain community for over 30 years. Animals are an important part of my world. I was former proprietor of Oakhurst Feed and Pet Supply, where I met and befriended hundreds of local pet owners in the area.
All Kritter Sitters was created so that you, the pet owner, can feel confident and safe when you’re out of town. My staff and I are close with all of the vet practices in town and are prepared for any situation.
We’ll also take care of small chores in your household like taking in the mail, putting out the garbage bins, and making sure your home and pets are perfectly pampered! Call us today to talk about your petsitting needs, whether it’s daycare or vacation care.
Services include
- Pet Sitting
- Doggie Daycare
- Dog Walking
- Transportation to/from Vet
- Livestock Care